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More 30 Photos Of Hilariously Adorable Squirrels

 His name is Ian Granström and he is 30 years old and come from the most southern parts of Finland. He picked up my first camera around three and a half years ago and never looked back since.

He have always been fascinated by nature and its uncontrollable forces, and naturally, He started out shooting nature right away.

In the beginning, he mostly took landscape pictures and photographed small birds, at the same time learning how to use his camera and discovering new subjects. He has always found squirrels funny and loved how different their personalities were.

Naturally, he started photographing squirrels pretty quickly after picking up his first DSLR camera, and over the past two years, he has dedicated a big part of my time to photographing squirrels and capturing squirrels' facial expressions and their behavior. There is never a dull moment when you are around these funny guys.

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